Fuck this. I’m Outta here.

Seeing all these chaos; these prejudice on abortion, on LGBT, on a policeman who are accused of faking his on schizophrenia after killing his own offspring makes me realise how little we care. How our concerns, our vision, the things that matter, are limited to the immediacy of our space, the power that we hold, and the money that we have in our pocket. This life is we now it, is fucked.

How our concerns, our vision, the things that matter, are limited to the immediacy of our space, the power that we hold, and the money that we have in our pocket. This life is we now it, is fucked.

This life is we now it, is fucked.

You know very well, that each and every one of us always talks about changes for the better. About the wellbeing of our very society, No matter how sincere or insincere one might have said it, we always take it for granted. Well, that’s a mistake that has happened, is currently happening, and will always happen in the future. And someday, it’ll fuck us all. (I mean when you’re voting for someone for religious reason, and yet decided to still vote for that someone even though the pope has publicly opposed that man, then the problem is nothing but you.)

Because the way I see it now, everybody has their own limit before eventually, they became corrupt. And the one that doesn’t, just decided to not do anything, knowing that there’s nothing that can be done.

There’s too much of them, and too little of us.

Us the people who actually wants changes, the people who don’t want more money than we need, the people who see power as responsibility, not opportunity.

I envy those astronauts, who don’t have to care about all this. Who doesn’t have to deal with the hypocrisy that we have in the society, who are too busy exploring and looking for something that is actually for the betterment of our race and maybe even our earth. By far, the only thing humanity ever did, that’s as close as it can get to being sincere, are those people up there floating in a zero gravity tin can. And so far, there are only six out of billions of people doing that. Six. And even they still have to deal with the politics sometimes.

People say the earth is sick, that our home has Cancer, and that it is heating us up. Sadly we overlooked the root of the Cancer. We are overlooking the cause. It is as if that we’ve been diagnosed, tried every chemo and medicines that we can get our hands on, but still smoked anyway.

We are all idealist, until a point that we become a crook. Or else, we stop caring.

You know the hundreds of thousands of people who died in Syria, the millions who are displaced from their homes -their own fucking homes-, and the millions starving, are just numbers for us. Just something we hear about when we are switching the channel; when we are flicking the papers. And most of the papers now decide to talk about Leo finally getting his fucking Oscars, because who cares about numbers right?

We are all idealist, until a point that we become a crook. Fucking crooks.

Because what can we do anyway? What can we fucking do anyway?